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Honors Potluck 2018

This week I attended the annual Honors College Potluck out front on the Ada Earnest lawn. I saw other honors students, particularly from grades above and below me, who I had not had the chance to see yet this semester. One of my favorite things about any potluck is that whether someone has taken the time to stop by a grocery store between classes and grab chips and soda or they have painstakingly presented a homemade dish, potlucks show us how much we as a community mean to everyone. Someone took the time from their busy schedule to bake a crowd-sized lasagna or decorate beautiful cupcakes, while someone else created free time to drop by with Kroger cookies even though they had a major test coming up. It was a great reminder that even when we don't see each other as often as we once did, we still belong to a thriving and supportive community of students and faculty.

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